- add -V / --version parameter to show version information
- new option lookup_host as host to use by nslookup/host to validate IP address changes, to be separate from [DOMAIN] parameter which produces a lot of questions in the forum and on multi-host updates
- new option param_enc for optional usage inside update_url [PARAMENC] (will be send urlencoded)
- new option param_opt for optional usage inside update_url [PARAMOPT]
- new service strato.de (IPv4 only) requested by ludwig.jaffe@
- new service variomedia.de (IPv4 & IPv6) requested by Wolfgang Oertl #1884
- rewritten function get_service_data to read services/service_ipv6 file
- allow 3rd parameter inside services/service_ipv6 file - here should be the answer of the ddns provider on success. If parameter is set, it's checked by ddns-scripts and report errors to logfile/syslog if failed and retry
- updated tld_names.dat
Signed-off-by: Christian Schoenebeck <christian.schoenebeck@gmail.com>
* fix Makefile to force compression of tld_names.dat reported in OpenWrt Ticket 19597
* change default of retry_count to "0" (retry endless) suggested by Henning Schild
* updated tld_names.dat include changes until 07.05.2015
Signed-off-by: Christian Schoenebeck <christian.schoenebeck@gmail.com>
* fix problem with lucihelper script reported in OpenWrt Ticket 19419
* rewritten split_FQDN fixing detection errors and using zcat
* updated tld_names.dat and .gz compressed to save space
* add LoopiaDNS (loopia.se) to services_ipv6
Signed-off-by: Christian Schoenebeck <christian.schoenebeck@gmail.com>
ddns-scripts: implements usage of nsupdate to direct update DNS servers
* new service "bind-nsupdate" using nsupdate to directly updates a PowerDNS or Bind server via nsupdate.
suggested by Jan Riechers (Pull #957) many thanks!
* updated tld-names.dat
Signed-off-by: Christian Schoenebeck <christian.schoenebeck@gmail.com>
modified source directory structure
- files for production files
- samples for sample files (not installed in final build)
modified Makefile
- separate options for additional provider scripts
- remove comments and empty lines from final build
add IPv4 100.64/10 (RFC 6598) and 169.254/16 (RFC 5735) to the range of default blocked IP's.
new option "bind_network" to force GNU Wget or cURL to use specific network/interface for communication
new "domains.google.com" as IPv4 DDNS provider #822
Signed-off-by: Christian Schoenebeck <christian.schoenebeck@gmail.com>
* remove CHANGELOG from distribution
* fix syslog output printing "\n" or other formating chars
* ddns configuration
- new UCI-config value ddns.global.allow_local_ip "0" or "1"
(default "0") - (OpenWrt Ticket 18642)
* dynamic_dns_functions.sh
- new function split_FQDN() splits a given FQDN into host,
(registerable) domainname, and TLD using
- verify_host_port() use BIND host, if installed
- verify_host_port() not detecting ip, if already given
- fixed regexp for IP detection from nslookup's answer - (OpenWrt
Ticket 16363)
- support ddns.global.allow_local_ip to allow sending non public IP's
to DDNS provider like 127.x, 192.168.x.x or fxxx - (OpenWrt Ticket
* new file tld_names.dat
- used by dynamic_dns_functions.sh inside split_FQDN() function to
find valid TLD's
* update_cloudflare.sh
- modified subdomain/domain splitting using split_FQDN()
- modified support for AA12.09 (json_get_keys())
- minor fixes and cleanup
- many thanks to Aaron Tanner for testing
Signed-off-by: Christian Schoenebeck <christian.schoenebeck@gmail.com>