Нет описания

  1. #
  2. # Copyright (C) 2006-2014 OpenWrt.org
  3. #
  4. # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
  5. # See /LICENSE for more information.
  6. #
  7. #
  8. # To Do:
  9. # - split up encodings
  10. # - allow selection of either native or pure version of a library where supported
  11. # +-> some native libraries are probably only supported if ruby-dl is enabled
  12. # anything else?
  13. include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
  14. PKG_NAME:=ruby
  15. PKG_VERSION:=2.1.2
  16. PKG_RELEASE:=6
  17. PKG_LIBVER:=2.1
  18. PKG_SOURCE:=$(PKG_NAME)-$(PKG_VERSION).tar.bz2
  19. PKG_SOURCE_URL:=http://cache.ruby-lang.org/pub/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/
  20. PKG_MD5SUM:=ed9b8565bdeccb401d628ec8d54a0774
  21. PKG_MAINTAINER:=Luiz Angelo Daros de Luca <luizluca@gmail.com>
  22. PKG_LICENSE:=BSD-2-Clause
  24. PKG_BUILD_DEPENDS:=ruby/host
  25. PKG_INSTALL:=1
  27. PKG_FIXUP:=autoreconf
  28. include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/host-build.mk
  29. include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
  30. include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/nls.mk
  31. define Package/ruby/Default
  32. SUBMENU:=Ruby
  33. SECTION:=lang
  34. CATEGORY:=Languages
  35. TITLE:=Ruby scripting language
  36. URL:=http://www.ruby-lang.org/
  37. endef
  38. define Package/ruby/Default/description
  39. Ruby is the interpreted scripting language for quick and easy
  40. object-oriented programming. It has many features to process text files
  41. and to do system management tasks (as in perl). It is simple,
  42. straight-forward, and extensible.
  43. endef
  44. define Package/ruby
  45. $(call Package/ruby/Default)
  46. TITLE+= (interpreter)
  47. DEPENDS:=+libruby
  48. endef
  49. define Package/ruby/description
  50. $(call Package/ruby/Default/description)
  51. endef
  52. define Package/libruby
  53. $(call Package/ruby/Default)
  54. SUBMENU:=
  55. SECTION:=libs
  56. CATEGORY:=Libraries
  57. TITLE+= (shared library)
  58. DEPENDS+= +libpthread +librt +libgmp
  59. endef
  60. # Ongoing work to break up ruby's standard library into coherent pieces
  61. # with minimal dependencies between them
  62. define Package/ruby-core
  63. $(call Package/ruby/Default)
  64. TITLE:=Ruby standard libraries
  65. DEPENDS:=ruby +libdb47 +libffi
  66. endef
  67. define Package/ruby-cgi
  68. $(call Package/ruby/Default)
  69. TITLE:=Ruby CGI support toolkit
  70. DEPENDS:=ruby
  71. endef
  72. define Package/ruby-dl
  73. $(call Package/ruby/Default)
  74. TITLE+= (dynamic linker support) (adds 5MB+)
  75. DEPENDS:=ruby
  76. endef
  77. define Package/ruby-enc
  78. $(call Package/ruby/Default)
  79. TITLE+= (character re-coding library) (adds 2MB+)
  80. DEPENDS:=ruby
  81. endef
  82. define Package/ruby-erb
  83. $(call Package/ruby/Default)
  84. TITLE+= (embedded interpreter)
  85. DEPENDS:=ruby
  86. endef
  87. define Package/ruby-gdbm
  88. $(call Package/ruby/Default)
  89. TITLE:=Ruby support for gdbm
  90. DEPENDS:=ruby +libgdbm
  91. endef
  92. define Package/ruby-gems
  93. $(call Package/ruby/Default)
  94. TITLE:=Ruby gems packet management
  95. DEPENDS:=ruby +ruby-yaml +ruby-zlib +ruby-openssl +ruby-webrick +ruby-erb
  96. endef
  97. define Package/ruby-irb
  98. $(call Package/ruby/Default)
  99. TITLE+= (interactive shell)
  100. DEPENDS:=ruby +ruby-core
  101. endef
  102. define Package/ruby-json
  103. $(call Package/ruby/Default)
  104. TITLE:=Ruby support for JSON
  105. DEPENDS:=ruby
  106. endef
  107. define Package/ruby-nkf
  108. $(call Package/ruby/Default)
  109. TITLE:=Ruby Network Kanji Filter
  110. DEPENDS:=ruby
  111. endef
  112. define Package/ruby-openssl
  113. $(call Package/ruby/Default)
  114. TITLE:=Ruby support for openssl
  115. DEPENDS:=ruby +libopenssl
  116. endef
  117. define Package/ruby-rdoc
  118. $(call Package/ruby/Default)
  119. TITLE+= (documentation generator)
  120. DEPENDS:=ruby
  121. endef
  122. define Package/ruby-rake
  123. $(call Package/ruby/Default)
  124. TITLE+=Ruby Rake (make replacement)
  125. DEPENDS:=ruby
  126. endef
  127. define Package/ruby-readline
  128. $(call Package/ruby/Default)
  129. TITLE:=Ruby support for readline
  130. DEPENDS:=ruby +libncurses +libreadline
  131. endef
  132. define Package/ruby-rexml
  133. $(call Package/ruby/Default)
  134. TITLE:=Ruby XML toolkit
  135. DEPENDS:=ruby
  136. endef
  137. define Package/ruby-rss
  138. $(call Package/ruby/Default)
  139. TITLE:=Ruby RSS toolkit
  140. DEPENDS:=ruby
  141. endef
  142. define Package/ruby-unit
  143. $(call Package/ruby/Default)
  144. TITLE:=Ruby unit testing toolkit
  145. DEPENDS:=ruby
  146. endef
  147. define Package/ruby-webrick
  148. $(call Package/ruby/Default)
  149. TITLE:=Ruby Web server toolkit
  150. DEPENDS:=ruby
  151. endef
  152. define Package/ruby-xmlrpc
  153. $(call Package/ruby/Default)
  154. TITLE:=Ruby XML-RPC toolkit
  155. DEPENDS:=ruby
  156. endef
  157. define Package/ruby-yaml
  158. $(call Package/ruby/Default)
  159. TITLE:=Ruby YAML toolkit
  160. DEPENDS:=ruby
  161. endef
  162. define Package/ruby-zlib
  163. $(call Package/ruby/Default)
  164. TITLE:=Ruby support for zlib
  165. DEPENDS:=ruby +zlib
  166. endef
  168. --disable-install-doc \
  169. --disable-install-rdoc \
  170. --disable-install-capi \
  171. --with-static-linked-ext \
  172. CONFIGURE_ARGS += \
  173. --enable-shared \
  174. --enable-static \
  175. --disable-rpath \
  176. --enable-ipv6 \
  177. --disable-install-doc \
  178. --disable-install-capi \
  179. --with-ruby-version=minor \
  180. --with-iconv-dir=$(ICONV_PREFIX) \
  182. MAKE_FLAGS += \
  184. SHELL="/bin/bash"
  185. define Package/ruby/install
  186. $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/bin
  187. $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)
  188. $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)
  189. $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)
  190. $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/bin/ruby $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/ruby$(PKG_LIBVER)-bin
  191. $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/ruby $(1)/usr/bin/ruby
  192. sed -i -e "s%@RUBY_LIBPATH@%/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)%" $(1)/usr/bin/ruby
  193. sed -i -e "s%@RUBY_BINPATH@%/usr/lib/ruby/ruby$(PKG_LIBVER)-bin%" $(1)/usr/bin/ruby
  194. endef
  195. define Package/libruby/install
  196. $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib
  197. $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/libruby.so.* $(1)/usr/lib/
  198. endef
  199. define Package/ruby-core/install
  200. $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib
  201. $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/ruby $(1)/usr/lib/
  202. rm -rf \
  203. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/*/curses.so \
  204. \
  205. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/*/gdbm.so \
  206. \
  207. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/kconv.rb \
  208. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/*/nkf.so \
  209. \
  210. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/digest \
  211. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/digest.rb \
  212. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/*/digest \
  213. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/*/digest.so \
  214. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/openssl \
  215. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/openssl.rb \
  216. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/*/openssl.so \
  217. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/drb/ssl.rb \
  218. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/net/https.rb \
  219. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/webrick/ssl.rb \
  220. \
  221. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/*/dl.so \
  222. \
  223. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/*/enc \
  224. \
  225. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/*/readline.so \
  226. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/irb/completion.rb \
  227. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/irb/ext/save-history.rb \
  228. \
  229. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/*/zlib.so \
  230. \
  231. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/erb.rb \
  232. \
  233. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/json.rb \
  234. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/json \
  235. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/*/json \
  236. \
  237. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/irb.rb \
  238. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/irb \
  239. \
  240. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/rdoc \
  241. \
  242. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/rake.rb \
  243. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/rake \
  244. \
  245. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/rubygems.rb \
  246. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/rubygems \
  247. \
  248. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/cgi.rb \
  249. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/cgi \
  250. \
  251. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/rexml \
  252. \
  253. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/rss \
  254. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/rss.rb \
  255. \
  256. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/test \
  257. \
  258. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/webrick \
  259. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/webrick.rb \
  260. \
  261. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/xmlrpc \
  262. \
  263. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/yaml \
  264. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/yaml.rb \
  265. $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/*/syck.so \
  266. find $(1) -name '*.h' | xargs rm -f
  267. endef
  268. define Package/ruby-cgi/install
  269. $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)
  270. $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/cgi $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/
  271. $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/cgi.rb $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/
  272. endef
  273. define Package/ruby-dl/install
  274. ( cd $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR); $(TAR) -cf - \
  275. usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/*/dl.so \
  276. ) | ( cd $(1); $(TAR) -xf - )
  277. endef
  278. define Package/ruby-enc/install
  279. ( cd $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR); $(TAR) -cf - \
  280. usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/*/enc \
  281. ) | ( cd $(1); $(TAR) -xf - )
  282. endef
  283. define Package/ruby-erb/install
  284. $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/bin
  285. $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/bin/erb $(1)/usr/bin/
  286. $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/
  287. $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/erb.rb $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/
  288. endef
  289. define Package/ruby-gdbm/install
  290. ( cd $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR); $(TAR) -cf - \
  291. usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/*/gdbm.so \
  292. ) | ( cd $(1); $(TAR) -xf - )
  293. endef
  294. define Package/ruby-gems/install
  295. $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/bin
  296. $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/bin/gem $(1)/usr/bin/
  297. $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)
  298. $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/rubygems.rb $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/
  299. $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/rubygems $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/
  300. endef
  301. define Package/ruby-irb/install
  302. $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/bin
  303. $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/bin/irb $(1)/usr/bin/
  304. $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)
  305. $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/irb $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/
  306. $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/irb.rb $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/
  307. endef
  308. define Package/ruby-json/install
  309. ( cd $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR); $(TAR) -cf - \
  310. usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/json.rb \
  311. usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/json \
  312. usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/*/json \
  313. ) | ( cd $(1); $(TAR) -xf - )
  314. endef
  315. define Package/ruby-nkf/install
  316. ( cd $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR); $(TAR) -cf - \
  317. usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/kconv.rb \
  318. usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/*/nkf.so \
  319. ) | ( cd $(1); $(TAR) -xf - )
  320. endef
  321. define Package/ruby-openssl/install
  322. ( cd $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR); $(TAR) -cf - \
  323. usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/digest \
  324. usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/digest.rb \
  325. usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/*/digest.so \
  326. usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/*/digest/*.so \
  327. usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/openssl \
  328. usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/openssl.rb \
  329. usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/*/openssl.so \
  330. usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/drb/ssl.rb \
  331. usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/net/https.rb \
  332. ) | ( cd $(1); $(TAR) -xf - )
  333. endef
  334. define Package/ruby-rdoc/install
  335. $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/bin
  336. $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/bin/rdoc $(1)/usr/bin/
  337. $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/bin/ri $(1)/usr/bin/
  338. $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)
  339. $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/rdoc $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/
  340. endef
  341. define Package/ruby-rake/install
  342. $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/bin
  343. $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/bin/rake $(1)/usr/bin/
  344. $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)
  345. $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/rake.rb $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/
  346. $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/rake $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/
  347. endef
  348. define Package/ruby-readline/install
  349. ( cd $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR); $(TAR) -cf - \
  350. usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/*/readline.so \
  351. ) | ( cd $(1); $(TAR) -xf - )
  352. endef
  353. define Package/ruby-rexml/install
  354. $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)
  355. $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/rexml $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/
  356. endef
  357. define Package/ruby-rss/install
  358. $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)
  359. $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/rss $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/
  360. $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/rss.rb $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/
  361. endef
  362. define Package/ruby-unit/install
  363. $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/bin
  364. $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/bin/testrb $(1)/usr/bin/
  365. $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)
  366. $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/test $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/
  367. endef
  368. define Package/ruby-webrick/install
  369. $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)
  370. $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/webrick $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/
  371. $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/webrick.rb $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/
  372. endef
  373. define Package/ruby-xmlrpc/install
  374. $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)
  375. $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/xmlrpc $(1)/usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/
  376. endef
  377. define Package/ruby-yaml/install
  378. ( cd $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR); $(TAR) -cf - \
  379. usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/yaml \
  380. usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/yaml.rb \
  381. usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/*/syck.so \
  382. ) | ( cd $(1); $(TAR) -xf - )
  383. endef
  384. define Package/ruby-zlib/install
  385. ( cd $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR); $(TAR) -cf - \
  386. usr/lib/ruby/$(PKG_LIBVER)/*/zlib.so \
  387. ) | ( cd $(1); $(TAR) -xf - )
  388. endef
  389. define Build/InstallDev
  390. ( cd $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR); $(TAR) -cf - \
  391. . \
  392. ) | ( cd $(1); $(TAR) -xf - )
  393. endef
  394. $(eval $(call BuildPackage,ruby))
  395. $(eval $(call BuildPackage,libruby))
  396. $(eval $(call BuildPackage,ruby-core))
  397. $(eval $(call BuildPackage,ruby-cgi))
  398. $(eval $(call BuildPackage,ruby-dl))
  399. $(eval $(call BuildPackage,ruby-enc))
  400. $(eval $(call BuildPackage,ruby-erb))
  401. $(eval $(call BuildPackage,ruby-gdbm))
  402. $(eval $(call BuildPackage,ruby-gems))
  403. $(eval $(call BuildPackage,ruby-json))
  404. $(eval $(call BuildPackage,ruby-irb))
  405. $(eval $(call BuildPackage,ruby-nkf))
  406. $(eval $(call BuildPackage,ruby-openssl))
  407. $(eval $(call BuildPackage,ruby-rake))
  408. $(eval $(call BuildPackage,ruby-rdoc))
  409. $(eval $(call BuildPackage,ruby-readline))
  410. $(eval $(call BuildPackage,ruby-rexml))
  411. $(eval $(call BuildPackage,ruby-rss))
  412. $(eval $(call BuildPackage,ruby-unit))
  413. $(eval $(call BuildPackage,ruby-webrick))
  414. $(eval $(call BuildPackage,ruby-xmlrpc))
  415. $(eval $(call BuildPackage,ruby-yaml))
  416. $(eval $(call BuildPackage,ruby-zlib))
  417. $(eval $(call HostBuild))