123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267 |
- _COMPAT51 = "Compat-5.1 R5"
- local LUA_DIRSEP = '/'
- local LUA_OFSEP = '_'
- local OLD_LUA_OFSEP = ''
- local POF = 'luaopen_'
- local LUA_PATH_MARK = '?'
- local LUA_IGMARK = ':'
- local assert, error, getfenv, ipairs, loadfile, loadlib, pairs, setfenv, setmetatable, type = assert, error, getfenv, ipairs, loadfile, loadlib, pairs, setfenv, setmetatable, type
- local find, format, gfind, gsub, sub = string.find, string.format, string.gfind, string.gsub, string.sub
- package = package or {}
- local _PACKAGE = package
- package.path = LUA_PATH or os.getenv("LUA_PATH") or
- ("./?.lua;" ..
- "/usr/local/share/lua/5.0/?.lua;" ..
- "/usr/local/share/lua/5.0/?/?.lua;" ..
- "/usr/local/share/lua/5.0/?/init.lua" )
- package.cpath = LUA_CPATH or os.getenv("LUA_CPATH") or
- "./?.so;" ..
- "./l?.so;" ..
- "/usr/local/lib/lua/5.0/?.so;" ..
- "/usr/local/lib/lua/5.0/l?.so"
- package.loaded = package.loaded or {}
- package.loaded.debug = debug
- package.loaded.string = string
- package.loaded.math = math
- package.loaded.io = io
- package.loaded.os = os
- package.loaded.table = table
- package.loaded.base = _G
- package.loaded.coroutine = coroutine
- local _LOADED = package.loaded
- package.preload = package.preload or {}
- local _PRELOAD = package.preload
- local function findfile (name, pname)
- name = gsub (name, "%.", LUA_DIRSEP)
- local path = _PACKAGE[pname]
- assert (type(path) == "string", format ("package.%s must be a string", pname))
- for c in gfind (path, "[^;]+") do
- c = gsub (c, "%"..LUA_PATH_MARK, name)
- local f = io.open (c)
- if f then
- f:close ()
- return c
- end
- end
- return nil
- end
- local function loader_preload (name)
- assert (type(name) == "string", format (
- "bad argument #1 to `require' (string expected, got %s)", type(name)))
- assert (type(_PRELOAD) == "table", "`package.preload' must be a table")
- return _PRELOAD[name]
- end
- local function loader_Lua (name)
- assert (type(name) == "string", format (
- "bad argument #1 to `require' (string expected, got %s)", type(name)))
- local filename = findfile (name, "path")
- if not filename then
- return false
- end
- local f, err = loadfile (filename)
- if not f then
- error (format ("error loading module `%s' (%s)", name, err))
- end
- return f
- end
- local function mkfuncname (name)
- name = gsub (name, "^.*%"..LUA_IGMARK, "")
- name = gsub (name, "%.", LUA_OFSEP)
- return POF..name
- end
- local function old_mkfuncname (name)
- name = gsub (name, "%.", OLD_LUA_OFSEP)
- return POF..name
- end
- local function loader_C (name)
- assert (type(name) == "string", format (
- "bad argument #1 to `require' (string expected, got %s)", type(name)))
- local filename = findfile (name, "cpath")
- if not filename then
- return false
- end
- local funcname = mkfuncname (name)
- local f, err = loadlib (filename, funcname)
- if not f then
- funcname = old_mkfuncname (name)
- f, err = loadlib (filename, funcname)
- if not f then
- error (format ("error loading module `%s' (%s)", name, err))
- end
- end
- return f
- end
- local function loader_Croot (name)
- local p = gsub (name, "^([^.]*).-$", "%1")
- if p == "" then
- return
- end
- local filename = findfile (p, "cpath")
- if not filename then
- return
- end
- local funcname = mkfuncname (name)
- local f, err, where = loadlib (filename, funcname)
- if f then
- return f
- elseif where ~= "init" then
- error (format ("error loading module `%s' (%s)", name, err))
- end
- end
- package.loaders = package.loaders or { loader_preload, loader_Lua, loader_C, loader_Croot, }
- local _LOADERS = package.loaders
- local function load (name, loaders)
- assert (type (loaders) == "table", "`package.loaders' must be a table")
- for i, loader in ipairs (loaders) do
- local f = loader (name)
- if f then
- return f
- end
- end
- error (format ("module `%s' not found", name))
- end
- local sentinel = function () end
- function _G.require (modname)
- assert (type(modname) == "string", format (
- "bad argument #1 to `require' (string expected, got %s)", type(name)))
- local p = _LOADED[modname]
- if p then
- if p == sentinel then
- error (format ("loop or previous error loading module '%s'", modname))
- end
- return p
- end
- local init = load (modname, _LOADERS)
- _LOADED[modname] = sentinel
- local actual_arg = _G.arg
- _G.arg = { modname }
- local res = init (modname)
- if res then
- _LOADED[modname] = res
- end
- _G.arg = actual_arg
- if _LOADED[modname] == sentinel then
- _LOADED[modname] = true
- end
- return _LOADED[modname]
- end
- local function findtable (t, f)
- assert (type(f)=="string", "not a valid field name ("..tostring(f)..")")
- local ff = f.."."
- local ok, e, w = find (ff, '(.-)%.', 1)
- while ok do
- local nt = rawget (t, w)
- if not nt then
- nt = {}
- t[w] = nt
- elseif type(t) ~= "table" then
- return sub (f, e+1)
- end
- t = nt
- ok, e, w = find (ff, '(.-)%.', e+1)
- end
- return t
- end
- function _PACKAGE.seeall (module)
- local t = type(module)
- assert (t == "table", "bad argument #1 to package.seeall (table expected, got "..t..")")
- local meta = getmetatable (module)
- if not meta then
- meta = {}
- setmetatable (module, meta)
- end
- meta.__index = _G
- end
- function _G.module (modname, ...)
- local ns = _LOADED[modname]
- if type(ns) ~= "table" then
- ns = findtable (_G, modname)
- if not ns then
- error (string.format ("name conflict for module '%s'", modname))
- end
- _LOADED[modname] = ns
- end
- if not ns._NAME then
- ns._NAME = modname
- ns._M = ns
- ns._PACKAGE = gsub (modname, "[^.]*$", "")
- end
- setfenv (2, ns)
- for i, f in ipairs (arg) do
- f (ns)
- end
- end