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112-upstream-bash43-012.patch 1.2KB

  2. =================
  3. Bash-Release: 4.3
  4. Patch-ID: bash43-012
  5. Bug-Reported-by: Eduardo A. Bustamante López<>
  6. Bug-Reference-ID: <>
  7. Bug-Reference-URL:
  8. Bug-Description:
  9. When a SIGCHLD trap runs a command containing a shell builtin while
  10. a script is running `wait' to wait for all running children to complete,
  11. the SIGCHLD trap will not be run once for each child that terminates.
  12. Patch (apply with `patch -p0'):
  13. --- a/jobs.c
  14. +++ b/jobs.c
  15. @@ -3597,6 +3597,7 @@ run_sigchld_trap (nchild)
  16. unwind_protect_int (jobs_list_frozen);
  17. unwind_protect_pointer (the_pipeline);
  18. unwind_protect_pointer (subst_assign_varlist);
  19. + unwind_protect_pointer (this_shell_builtin);
  20. /* We have to add the commands this way because they will be run
  21. in reverse order of adding. We don't want maybe_set_sigchld_trap ()
  22. --- a/patchlevel.h
  23. +++ b/patchlevel.h
  24. @@ -25,6 +25,6 @@
  25. regexp `^#define[ ]*PATCHLEVEL', since that's what support/
  26. looks for to find the patch level (for the sccs version string). */
  27. -#define PATCHLEVEL 11
  28. +#define PATCHLEVEL 12
  29. #endif /* _PATCHLEVEL_H_ */