
radicale.config 5.5KB

  1. #
  2. # You find additional information on Radicale Homepage
  3. # http://radicale.org
  4. #
  5. # OpenWrt's wiki needs to be setup/updated ;-)
  6. #
  7. # if setting additional options please remember that UCI does not support
  8. # section names and option names with "-" (Dash) inside their name
  9. # to use them anyway replace "-" with "_" (Underscore)
  10. # Each Radicale's config [section] is setup as UCI config setting 'section'
  11. #
  12. ####################################################
  13. # Server options
  14. #
  15. config setting 'server'
  16. # hostname:port
  17. # IPv4 syntax: address:port
  18. # IPv6 syntax: [address]:port
  19. # ATTENTION:
  20. # only use ports > 1024 (non-privileged Ports)
  21. # because this implementation is running as non-root user
  22. # Default:
  23. # list hosts ''
  24. # list hosts 'localhost:5232'
  25. # SSL flag, enable HTTPS protocol
  26. # Default: 0 (disabled)
  27. # option ssl '1'
  28. # SSL Protocol used. See python's ssl module for available values
  29. # Default: PROTOCOL_SSLv23
  30. # option protocol 'PROTOCOL_SSLv23'
  31. # Ciphers available. See python's ssl module for available ciphers
  32. # option ciphers ''
  33. # SSL certificate path and file
  34. # option certificate '/etc/radicale/ssl/server.crt'
  35. # SSL private key path and file
  36. # option key '/etc/radicale/ssl/server.key'
  37. # Reverse DNS to resolve client address in logs
  38. # Default: 0 (disabled)
  39. # option dns_lookup '1'
  40. # Message displayed in the client when a password is needed
  41. # option realm 'Radicale - Password Required'
  42. ####################################################
  43. # Encoding options
  44. #
  45. config setting 'encoding'
  46. # Encoding for responding requests
  47. # option request 'utf-8'
  48. # Encoding for storing local collections
  49. # option stock 'utf-8'
  50. ####################################################
  51. # Authentication options
  52. #
  53. config setting 'auth'
  54. # Authentication method
  55. # Value: None | htpasswd | IMAP | LDAP | PAM | courier | http | remote_user | custom
  56. # Default: None
  57. # if setting 'htpasswd' the file /etc/radicale/users is used (hardcoded)
  58. # Htpasswd encryption method
  59. # Value: plain | sha1 | ssha | crypt
  60. # option htpasswd_encryption 'crypt'
  61. # for other authenication methods consult Radicale documentation
  62. # and set options here
  63. ####################################################
  64. # Git default options
  65. #
  66. config setting 'git'
  67. # Git default options
  68. # option committer 'Radicale <radicale@example.com>'
  69. ####################################################
  70. # Rights backend
  71. #
  72. config setting 'rights'
  73. # Value: None | authenticated | owner_only | owner_write | from_file | custom
  74. # Default: None
  75. # if setting 'from_file' the file /etc/radicale/rights is used (hardcoded)
  76. # Custom rights handler
  77. # option custom_handler ''
  78. ####################################################
  79. # Storage backend
  80. # -------
  83. # -------
  84. #
  85. config setting 'storage'
  86. # Value: filesystem | multifilesystem | database | custom
  87. option type 'filesystem'
  88. option filesystem_folder '/srv/radicale'
  89. ####################################################
  90. # Additional HTTP headers
  91. #
  92. config setting 'headers'
  93. # enable all if using CardDavMATE-, CalDavZAP- or InfCloud- WEBclient
  94. # list Access_Control_Allow_Origin '*'
  95. # list Access_Control_Allow_Methods 'GET'
  96. # list Access_Control_Allow_Methods 'POST'
  97. # list Access_Control_Allow_Methods 'OPTIONS'
  98. # list Access_Control_Allow_Methods 'PROPFIND'
  99. # list Access_Control_Allow_Methods 'PROPPATCH'
  100. # list Access_Control_Allow_Methods 'REPORT'
  101. # list Access_Control_Allow_Methods 'PUT'
  102. # list Access_Control_Allow_Methods 'MOVE'
  103. # list Access_Control_Allow_Methods 'DELETE'
  104. # list Access_Control_Allow_Methods 'LOCK'
  105. # list Access_Control_Allow_Methods 'UNLOCK'
  106. # list Access_Control_Allow_Headers 'User-Agent'
  107. # list Access_Control_Allow_Headers 'Authorization'
  108. # list Access_Control_Allow_Headers 'Content-type'
  109. # list Access_Control_Allow_Headers 'Depth'
  110. # list Access_Control_Allow_Headers 'If-match'
  111. # list Access_Control_Allow_Headers 'If-None-Match'
  112. # list Access_Control_Allow_Headers 'Lock-Token'
  113. # list Access_Control_Allow_Headers 'Timeout'
  114. # list Access_Control_Allow_Headers 'Destination'
  115. # list Access_Control_Allow_Headers 'Overwrite'
  116. # list Access_Control_Allow_Headers 'X-client'
  117. # list Access_Control_Allow_Headers 'X-Requested-With'
  118. # list Access_Control_Expose_Headers 'Etag'
  119. ####################################################
  120. # Global logging options
  121. #
  122. config setting 'logging'
  123. # Set the default logging level to debug for all outputs (ignore output level settings)
  124. # Default: 0 (disabled)
  125. # option debug '1'
  126. # Log all environment variables (including those set in the shell) when starting
  127. # Default: 0 (disabled)
  128. # option full_environment '1'
  129. ####################################################
  130. # Spezial logging options
  131. # !!! not documented in Radicale documentation
  132. # !!! special settings for this implementation
  133. #
  134. config logging 'logger'
  136. # To nearly disable logging set level to critical
  137. # log level on console
  138. # option console_level 'ERROR'
  139. # Here we use Rotating Logfiles in this implementation
  140. # !!! if maxbytes and/or backupcount is set to 0 !!!
  141. # !!! file rotation is disabled and logfile grows endless !!!
  142. # log level
  143. # option file_level 'INFO'
  144. # directory where log files are written
  145. # option file_path '/var/log/radicale'
  146. # max size of each logfile (see warning above)
  147. # option file_maxbytes '8196'
  148. # number of backup files to create (see warning above)
  149. # option file_backupcount '1'
  150. # log level for syslog logging
  151. # option syslog_level 'WARNING'