123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364 |
- #!/bin/sh
- # /usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_updater.sh
- #
- # Original written by Eric Paul Bishop, January 2008
- #.Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2.0
- # (Loosely) based on the script on the one posted by exobyte in the forums here:
- # http://forum.openwrt.org/viewtopic.php?id=14040
- #
- # extended and partial rewritten in August 2014 by
- #.Christian Schoenebeck <christian dot schoenebeck at gmail dot com>
- # to support:
- # - IPv6 DDNS services
- # - DNS Server to retrieve registered IP including TCP transport (Ticket 7820)
- # - Proxy Server to send out updates
- # - force_interval=0 to run once (Luci Ticket 538)
- # - the usage of BIND's host command instead of BusyBox's nslookup if installed
- # - extended Verbose Mode and log file support for better error detection
- # - wait for interface to fully come up, before the first update is done
- #
- # variables in small chars are read from /etc/config/ddns
- # variables in big chars are defined inside these scripts as global vars
- # variables in big chars beginning with "__" are local defined inside functions only
- # set -vx #script debugger
- . /usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_functions.sh # global vars are also defined here
- [ $# -lt 1 -o -n "${2//[0-3]/}" -o ${#2} -gt 1 ] && {
- echo -e "\n ddns-scripts Version: $VERSION"
- echo -e "\n USAGE:"
- echo " $0 [OPTION]"
- echo " [OPTION] '-V' or '--version' display version and exit"
- echo -e "\n $0 [SECTION] [VERBOSE_MODE]\n"
- echo " [SECTION] - service section as defined in /etc/config/ddns"
- echo " [VERBOSE_MODE] - '0' NO output to console"
- echo " '1' output to console"
- echo " '2' output to console AND logfile"
- echo " + run once WITHOUT retry on error"
- echo " '3' output to console AND logfile"
- echo " + run once WITHOUT retry on error"
- echo -e " + NOT sending update to DDNS service\n"
- exit 1
- }
- [ "$1" = "-V" -o "$1" = "--version" ] && {
- echo -e "ddns-scripts $VERSION\n"
- exit 0
- }
- VERBOSE_MODE=${2:-1} # default mode is log to console
- # set file names
- PIDFILE="$RUNDIR/$SECTION_ID.pid" # Process ID file
- UPDFILE="$RUNDIR/$SECTION_ID.update" # last update successful send (system uptime)
- DATFILE="$RUNDIR/$SECTION_ID.dat" # save stdout data of WGet and other extern programs called
- ERRFILE="$RUNDIR/$SECTION_ID.err" # save stderr output of WGet and other extern programs called
- LOGFILE="$LOGDIR/$SECTION_ID.log" # log file
- # VERBOSE_MODE > 1 delete logfile if exist to create an empty one
- # only with this data of this run for easier diagnostic
- # new one created by write_log function
- [ $VERBOSE_MODE -gt 1 -a -f $LOGFILE ] && rm -f $LOGFILE
- # TRAP handler
- trap "trap_handler 0 \$?" 0 # handle script exit with exit status
- trap "trap_handler 1" 1 # SIGHUP Hangup / reload config
- trap "trap_handler 2" 2 # SIGINT Terminal interrupt
- trap "trap_handler 3" 3 # SIGQUIT Terminal quit
- # trap "trap_handler 9" 9 # SIGKILL no chance to trap
- trap "trap_handler 15" 15 # SIGTERM Termination
- ################################################################################
- # Leave this comment here, to clearly document variable names that are expected/possible
- # Use load_all_config_options to load config options, which is a much more flexible solution.
- #
- # config_load "ddns"
- # config_get <variable> $SECTION_ID <option>
- #
- # defined options (also used as variable):
- #
- # enable self-explanatory
- # interface network interface used by hotplug.d i.e. 'wan' or 'wan6'
- #
- # service_name Which DDNS service do you use or "custom"
- # update_url URL to use to update your "custom" DDNS service
- # update_script SCRIPT to use to update your "custom" DDNS service
- #
- # lookup_host FQDN of ONE of your at DDNS service defined host / required to validate if IP update happen/necessary
- # domain Nomally your DDNS hostname / replace [DOMAIN] in update_url
- # username Username of your DDNS service account / urlenceded and replace [USERNAME] in update_url
- # password Password of your DDNS service account / urlencoded and replace [PASSWORD] in update_url
- # param_enc Optional parameter for (later) usage / urlencoded and replace [PARAMENC] in update_url
- # param_opt Optional parameter for (later) usage / replace [PARAMOPT] in update_url
- #
- # use_https use HTTPS to update DDNS service
- # cacert file or directory where HTTPS can find certificates to verify server; 'IGNORE' ignore check of server certificate
- #
- # use_syslog log activity to syslog
- #
- # ip_source source to detect current local IP ('network' or 'web' or 'script' or 'interface')
- # ip_network local defined network to read IP from i.e. 'wan' or 'wan6'
- # ip_url URL to read local address from i.e. http://checkip.dyndns.com/ or http://checkipv6.dyndns.com/
- # ip_script full path and name of your script to detect local IP
- # ip_interface physical interface to use for detecting
- #
- # check_interval check for changes every !!! checks below 10 minutes make no sense because the Internet
- # check_unit 'days' 'hours' 'minutes' !!! needs about 5-10 minutes to sync an IP-change for an DNS entry
- #
- # force_interval force to send an update to your service if no change was detected
- # force_unit 'days' 'hours' 'minutes' !!! force_interval="0" runs this script once for use i.e. with cron
- #
- # retry_interval if error was detected retry in
- # retry_unit 'days' 'hours' 'minutes' 'seconds'
- # retry_count number of retries before scripts stops
- #
- # use_ipv6 detecting/sending IPv6 address
- # force_ipversion force usage of IPv4 or IPv6 for the whole detection and update communication
- # dns_server using a non default dns server to get Registered IP from Internet
- # force_dnstcp force communication with DNS server via TCP instead of default UDP
- # proxy using a proxy for communication !!! ALSO used to detect local IP via web => return proxy's IP !!!
- # use_logfile self-explanatory "/var/log/ddns/$SECTION_ID.log"
- #
- # some functionality needs
- # - GNU Wget or cURL installed for sending updates to DDNS service
- # - BIND host installed to detect Registered IP
- #
- ################################################################################
- load_all_config_options "ddns" "$SECTION_ID"
- ERR_LAST=$? # save return code - equal 0 if SECTION_ID found
- # set defaults if not defined
- [ -z "$enabled" ] && enabled=0
- [ -z "$retry_count" ] && retry_count=0 # endless retry
- [ -z "$use_syslog" ] && use_syslog=2 # syslog "Notice"
- [ -z "$use_https" ] && use_https=0 # not use https
- [ -z "$use_logfile" ] && use_logfile=1 # use logfile by default
- [ -z "$use_ipv6" ] && use_ipv6=0 # use IPv4 by default
- [ -z "$force_ipversion" ] && force_ipversion=0 # default let system decide
- [ -z "$force_dnstcp" ] && force_dnstcp=0 # default UDP
- [ -z "$ip_source" ] && ip_source="network"
- [ "$ip_source" = "network" -a -z "$ip_network" -a $use_ipv6 -eq 0 ] && ip_network="wan" # IPv4: default wan
- [ "$ip_source" = "network" -a -z "$ip_network" -a $use_ipv6 -eq 1 ] && ip_network="wan6" # IPv6: default wan6
- [ "$ip_source" = "web" -a -z "$ip_url" -a $use_ipv6 -eq 0 ] && ip_url="http://checkip.dyndns.com"
- [ "$ip_source" = "web" -a -z "$ip_url" -a $use_ipv6 -eq 1 ] && ip_url="http://checkipv6.dyndns.com"
- [ "$ip_source" = "interface" -a -z "$ip_interface" ] && ip_interface="eth1"
- # SECTION_ID does not exists
- [ $ERR_LAST -ne 0 ] && {
- [ $VERBOSE_MODE -le 1 ] && VERBOSE_MODE=2 # force console out and logfile output
- [ -f $LOGFILE ] && rm -f $LOGFILE # clear logfile before first entry
- write_log 7 "************ ************** ************** **************"
- write_log 5 "PID '$$' started at $(eval $DATE_PROG)"
- write_log 7 "ddns version : $VERSION"
- write_log 7 "uci configuration:\n$(uci -q show ddns | grep '=service' | sort)"
- write_log 14 "Service section '$SECTION_ID' not defined"
- }
- write_log 7 "************ ************** ************** **************"
- write_log 5 "PID '$$' started at $(eval $DATE_PROG)"
- write_log 7 "ddns version : $VERSION"
- write_log 7 "uci configuration:\n$(uci -q show ddns.$SECTION_ID | sort)"
- # write_log 7 "ddns version : $(opkg list-installed ddns-scripts | cut -d ' ' -f 3)"
- case $VERBOSE_MODE in
- 0) write_log 7 "verbose mode : 0 - run normal, NO console output";;
- 1) write_log 7 "verbose mode : 1 - run normal, console mode";;
- 2) write_log 7 "verbose mode : 2 - run once, NO retry on error";;
- 3) write_log 7 "verbose mode : 3 - run once, NO retry on error, NOT sending update";;
- *) write_log 14 "error detecting VERBOSE_MODE '$VERBOSE_MODE'";;
- esac
- # check enabled state otherwise we don't need to continue
- [ $enabled -eq 0 ] && write_log 14 "Service section disabled!"
- # determine what update url we're using if a service_name is supplied
- # otherwise update_url is set inside configuration (custom update url)
- # or update_script is set inside configuration (custom update script)
- [ -n "$service_name" ] && get_service_data update_url update_script SRV_ANSWER
- [ -z "$update_url" -a -z "$update_script" ] && write_log 14 "No update_url found/defined or no update_script found/defined!"
- [ -n "$update_script" -a ! -f "$update_script" ] && write_log 14 "Custom update_script not found!"
- # temporary needed to convert existing uci settings
- [ -z "$lookup_host" ] && {
- uci -q set ddns.$SECTION_ID.lookup_host="$domain"
- uci -q commit ddns
- lookup_host="$domain"
- }
- # later versions only check if configured correctly
- # without lookup host and possibly other required options we can do nothing for you
- [ -z "$lookup_host" ] && write_log 14 "Service section not configured correctly! Missing 'lookup_host'"
- [ -n "$update_url" ] && {
- # only check if update_url is given, update_scripts have to check themselves
- [ -z "$domain" ] && $(echo "$update_url" | grep "\[DOMAIN\]" >/dev/null 2>&1) && \
- write_log 14 "Service section not configured correctly! Missing 'domain'"
- [ -z "$username" ] && $(echo "$update_url" | grep "\[USERNAME\]" >/dev/null 2>&1) && \
- write_log 14 "Service section not configured correctly! Missing 'username'"
- [ -z "$password" ] && $(echo "$update_url" | grep "\[PASSWORD\]" >/dev/null 2>&1) && \
- write_log 14 "Service section not configured correctly! Missing 'password'"
- [ -z "$param_enc" ] && $(echo "$update_url" | grep "\[PARAMENC\]" >/dev/null 2>&1) && \
- write_log 14 "Service section not configured correctly! Missing 'param_enc'"
- [ -z "$param_opt" ] && $(echo "$update_url" | grep "\[PARAMOPT\]" >/dev/null 2>&1) && \
- write_log 14 "Service section not configured correctly! Missing 'param_opt'"
- }
- # url encode username (might be email or something like this)
- # and password (might have special chars for security reason)
- # and optional parameter "param_enc"
- [ -n "$username" ] && urlencode URL_USER "$username"
- [ -n "$password" ] && urlencode URL_PASS "$password"
- [ -n "$param_enc" ] && urlencode URL_PENC "$param_enc"
- # verify ip_source 'script' if script is configured and executable
- if [ "$ip_source" = "script" ]; then
- set -- $ip_script #handling script with parameters, we need a trick
- [ -z "$1" ] && write_log 14 "No script defined to detect local IP!"
- [ -x "$1" ] || write_log 14 "Script to detect local IP not executable!"
- fi
- # compute update interval in seconds
- get_seconds CHECK_SECONDS ${check_interval:-10} ${check_unit:-"minutes"} # default 10 min
- get_seconds FORCE_SECONDS ${force_interval:-72} ${force_unit:-"hours"} # default 3 days
- get_seconds RETRY_SECONDS ${retry_interval:-60} ${retry_unit:-"seconds"} # default 60 sec
- [ $CHECK_SECONDS -lt 300 ] && CHECK_SECONDS=300 # minimum 5 minutes
- write_log 7 "check interval: $CHECK_SECONDS seconds"
- write_log 7 "force interval: $FORCE_SECONDS seconds"
- write_log 7 "retry interval: $RETRY_SECONDS seconds"
- write_log 7 "retry counter : $retry_count times"
- # kill old process if it exists & set new pid file
- stop_section_processes "$SECTION_ID"
- [ $? -gt 0 ] && write_log 7 "'SIGTERM' was send to old process" || write_log 7 "No old process"
- echo $$ > $PIDFILE
- # determine when the last update was
- # the following lines should prevent multiple updates if hotplug fires multiple startups
- # as described in Ticket #7820, but did not function if never an update take place
- # i.e. after a reboot (/var is linked to /tmp)
- # using uptime as reference because date might not be updated via NTP client
- get_uptime CURR_TIME
- [ -e "$UPDFILE" ] && {
- # check also LAST > CURR because link of /var/run to /tmp might be removed
- # i.e. boxes with larger filesystems
- [ -z "$LAST_TIME" ] && LAST_TIME=0
- }
- if [ $LAST_TIME -eq 0 ]; then
- write_log 7 "last update: never"
- else
- EPOCH_TIME=$(( $(date +%s) - CURR_TIME + LAST_TIME ))
- write_log 7 "last update: $(eval $EPOCH_TIME)"
- fi
- # verify DNS server
- [ -n "$dns_server" ] && verify_dns "$dns_server"
- # verify Proxy server and set environment
- [ -n "$proxy" ] && {
- verify_proxy "$proxy" && {
- # everything ok set proxy
- export HTTP_PROXY="http://$proxy"
- export HTTPS_PROXY="http://$proxy"
- export http_proxy="http://$proxy"
- export https_proxy="http://$proxy"
- }
- }
- # let's check if there is already an IP registered on the web
- get_registered_ip REGISTERED_IP "NO_RETRY"
- # No error or No IP set otherwise retry
- [ $ERR_LAST -eq 0 -o $ERR_LAST -eq 127 ] || get_registered_ip REGISTERED_IP
- # loop endlessly, checking ip every check_interval and forcing an updating once every force_interval
- write_log 6 "Starting main loop at $(eval $DATE_PROG)"
- while : ; do
- get_local_ip LOCAL_IP # read local IP
- # prepare update
- # never updated or forced immediate then NEXT_TIME = 0
- [ $FORCE_SECONDS -eq 0 -o $LAST_TIME -eq 0 ] \
- && NEXT_TIME=0 \
- get_uptime CURR_TIME # get current uptime
- # send update when current time > next time or local ip different from registered ip
- if [ $CURR_TIME -ge $NEXT_TIME -o "$LOCAL_IP" != "$REGISTERED_IP" ]; then
- if [ $VERBOSE_MODE -gt 2 ]; then
- write_log 7 "Verbose Mode: $VERBOSE_MODE - NO UPDATE send"
- elif [ "$LOCAL_IP" != "$REGISTERED_IP" ]; then
- write_log 7 "Update needed - L: '$LOCAL_IP' <> R: '$REGISTERED_IP'"
- else
- write_log 7 "Forced Update - L: '$LOCAL_IP' == R: '$REGISTERED_IP'"
- fi
- [ $VERBOSE_MODE -lt 3 ] && {
- # only send if VERBOSE_MODE < 3
- send_update "$LOCAL_IP"
- ERR_LAST=$? # save return value
- }
- # error sending local IP to provider
- # we have no communication error (handled inside send_update/do_transfer)
- # but update was not recognized
- # do NOT retry after RETRY_SECONDS, do retry after CHECK_SECONDS
- # to early retrys will block most DDNS provider
- # providers answer is checked inside send_update() function
- if [ $ERR_LAST -eq 0 ]; then
- get_uptime LAST_TIME # we send update, so
- echo $LAST_TIME > $UPDFILE # save LASTTIME to file
- [ "$LOCAL_IP" != "$REGISTERED_IP" ] \
- && write_log 6 "Update successful - IP '$LOCAL_IP' send" \
- || write_log 6 "Forced update successful - IP: '$LOCAL_IP' send"
- else
- write_log 3 "IP update not accepted by DDNS Provider"
- fi
- fi
- # now we wait for check interval before testing if update was recognized
- # only sleep if VERBOSE_MODE <= 2 because otherwise nothing was send
- [ $VERBOSE_MODE -le 2 ] && {
- write_log 7 "Waiting $CHECK_SECONDS seconds (Check Interval)"
- sleep $CHECK_SECONDS &
- wait $PID_SLEEP # enable trap-handler
- } || write_log 7 "Verbose Mode: $VERBOSE_MODE - NO Check Interval waiting"
- REGISTERED_IP="" # clear variable
- get_registered_ip REGISTERED_IP # get registered/public IP
- # IP's are still different
- if [ "$LOCAL_IP" != "$REGISTERED_IP" ]; then
- if [ $VERBOSE_MODE -le 1 ]; then # VERBOSE_MODE <=1 then retry
- [ $retry_count -gt 0 -a $ERR_UPDATE -gt $retry_count ] && \
- write_log 14 "Updating IP at DDNS provider failed after $retry_count retries"
- write_log 4 "Updating IP at DDNS provider failed - starting retry $ERR_UPDATE/$retry_count"
- continue # loop to beginning
- else
- write_log 4 "Updating IP at DDNS provider failed"
- write_log 7 "Verbose Mode: $VERBOSE_MODE - NO retry"; exit 1
- fi
- else
- # we checked successful the last update
- ERR_UPDATE=0 # reset error counter
- fi
- # force_update=0 or VERBOSE_MODE > 1 - leave here
- [ $VERBOSE_MODE -gt 1 ] && write_log 7 "Verbose Mode: $VERBOSE_MODE - NO reloop"
- [ $FORCE_SECONDS -eq 0 ] && write_log 6 "Configured to run once"
- [ $VERBOSE_MODE -gt 1 -o $FORCE_SECONDS -eq 0 ] && exit 0
- write_log 6 "Rerun IP check at $(eval $DATE_PROG)"
- done
- # we should never come here there must be a programming error
- write_log 12 "Error in 'dynamic_dns_updater.sh - program coding error"