123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- """Doxygen XML to SWIG docstring converter.
- Usage:
- doxy2swig.py [options] input.xml output.i
- Converts Doxygen generated XML files into a file containing docstrings
- that can be used by SWIG-1.3.x. Note that you need to get SWIG
- version > 1.3.23 or use Robin Dunn's docstring patch to be able to use
- the resulting output.
- input.xml is your doxygen generated XML file and output.i is where the
- output will be written (the file will be clobbered).
- """
- #
- #
- # This code is implemented using Mark Pilgrim's code as a guideline:
- # http://www.faqs.org/docs/diveintopython/kgp_divein.html
- #
- # Author: Prabhu Ramachandran
- # License: BSD style
- #
- # Thanks:
- # Johan Hake: the include_function_definition feature
- # Bill Spotz: bug reports and testing.
- # Sebastian Henschel: Misc. enhancements.
- #
- #
- from xml.dom import minidom
- import re
- import textwrap
- import sys
- import os.path
- import optparse
- def my_open_read(source):
- if hasattr(source, "read"):
- return source
- else:
- return open(source)
- def my_open_write(dest):
- if hasattr(dest, "write"):
- return dest
- else:
- return open(dest, 'w')
- class Doxy2SWIG:
- """Converts Doxygen generated XML files into a file containing
- docstrings that can be used by SWIG-1.3.x that have support for
- feature("docstring"). Once the data is parsed it is stored in
- self.pieces.
- """
- def __init__(self, src, include_function_definition=True, quiet=False):
- """Initialize the instance given a source object. `src` can
- be a file or filename. If you do not want to include function
- definitions from doxygen then set
- `include_function_definition` to `False`. This is handy since
- this allows you to use the swig generated function definition
- using %feature("autodoc", [0,1]).
- """
- f = my_open_read(src)
- self.my_dir = os.path.dirname(f.name)
- self.xmldoc = minidom.parse(f).documentElement
- f.close()
- self.pieces = []
- self.pieces.append('\n// File: %s\n' %
- os.path.basename(f.name))
- self.space_re = re.compile(r'\s+')
- self.lead_spc = re.compile(r'^(%feature\S+\s+\S+\s*?)"\s+(\S)')
- self.multi = 0
- self.ignores = ['inheritancegraph', 'param', 'listofallmembers',
- 'innerclass', 'name', 'declname', 'incdepgraph',
- 'invincdepgraph', 'programlisting', 'type',
- 'references', 'referencedby', 'location',
- 'collaborationgraph', 'reimplements',
- 'reimplementedby', 'derivedcompoundref',
- 'basecompoundref']
- #self.generics = []
- self.include_function_definition = include_function_definition
- if not include_function_definition:
- self.ignores.append('argsstring')
- self.quiet = quiet
- def generate(self):
- """Parses the file set in the initialization. The resulting
- data is stored in `self.pieces`.
- """
- self.parse(self.xmldoc)
- def parse(self, node):
- """Parse a given node. This function in turn calls the
- `parse_<nodeType>` functions which handle the respective
- nodes.
- """
- pm = getattr(self, "parse_%s" % node.__class__.__name__)
- pm(node)
- def parse_Document(self, node):
- self.parse(node.documentElement)
- def parse_Text(self, node):
- txt = node.data
- txt = txt.replace('\\', r'\\\\')
- txt = txt.replace('"', r'\"')
- # ignore pure whitespace
- m = self.space_re.match(txt)
- if m and len(m.group()) == len(txt):
- pass
- else:
- self.add_text(textwrap.fill(txt, break_long_words=False))
- def parse_Element(self, node):
- """Parse an `ELEMENT_NODE`. This calls specific
- `do_<tagName>` handers for different elements. If no handler
- is available the `generic_parse` method is called. All
- tagNames specified in `self.ignores` are simply ignored.
- """
- name = node.tagName
- ignores = self.ignores
- if name in ignores:
- return
- attr = "do_%s" % name
- if hasattr(self, attr):
- handlerMethod = getattr(self, attr)
- handlerMethod(node)
- else:
- self.generic_parse(node)
- #if name not in self.generics: self.generics.append(name)
- def parse_Comment(self, node):
- """Parse a `COMMENT_NODE`. This does nothing for now."""
- return
- def add_text(self, value):
- """Adds text corresponding to `value` into `self.pieces`."""
- if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
- self.pieces.extend(value)
- else:
- self.pieces.append(value)
- def get_specific_nodes(self, node, names):
- """Given a node and a sequence of strings in `names`, return a
- dictionary containing the names as keys and child
- `ELEMENT_NODEs`, that have a `tagName` equal to the name.
- """
- nodes = [(x.tagName, x) for x in node.childNodes
- if x.nodeType == x.ELEMENT_NODE and
- x.tagName in names]
- return dict(nodes)
- def generic_parse(self, node, pad=0):
- """A Generic parser for arbitrary tags in a node.
- Parameters:
- - node: A node in the DOM.
- - pad: `int` (default: 0)
- If 0 the node data is not padded with newlines. If 1 it
- appends a newline after parsing the childNodes. If 2 it
- pads before and after the nodes are processed. Defaults to
- 0.
- """
- npiece = 0
- if pad:
- npiece = len(self.pieces)
- if pad == 2:
- self.add_text('\n')
- for n in node.childNodes:
- self.parse(n)
- if pad:
- if len(self.pieces) > npiece:
- self.add_text('\n')
- def space_parse(self, node):
- self.add_text(' ')
- self.generic_parse(node)
- do_ref = space_parse
- do_emphasis = space_parse
- do_bold = space_parse
- do_computeroutput = space_parse
- do_formula = space_parse
- def do_compoundname(self, node):
- self.add_text('\n\n')
- data = node.firstChild.data
- self.add_text('%%feature("docstring") %s "\n' % data)
- def do_compounddef(self, node):
- kind = node.attributes['kind'].value
- if kind in ('class', 'struct'):
- prot = node.attributes['prot'].value
- if prot != 'public':
- return
- names = ('compoundname', 'briefdescription',
- 'detaileddescription', 'includes')
- first = self.get_specific_nodes(node, names)
- for n in names:
- if first.has_key(n):
- self.parse(first[n])
- self.add_text(['";', '\n'])
- for n in node.childNodes:
- if n not in first.values():
- self.parse(n)
- elif kind in ('file', 'namespace'):
- nodes = node.getElementsByTagName('sectiondef')
- for n in nodes:
- self.parse(n)
- def do_includes(self, node):
- self.add_text('C++ includes: ')
- self.generic_parse(node, pad=1)
- def do_parameterlist(self, node):
- text = 'unknown'
- for key, val in node.attributes.items():
- if key == 'kind':
- if val == 'param':
- text = 'Parameters'
- elif val == 'exception':
- text = 'Exceptions'
- elif val == 'retval':
- text = 'Returns'
- else:
- text = val
- break
- self.add_text(['\n', '\n', text, ':', '\n'])
- self.generic_parse(node, pad=1)
- def do_para(self, node):
- self.add_text('\n')
- self.generic_parse(node, pad=1)
- def do_parametername(self, node):
- self.add_text('\n')
- try:
- data = node.firstChild.data
- except AttributeError: # perhaps a <ref> tag in it
- data = node.firstChild.firstChild.data
- if data.find('Exception') != -1:
- self.add_text(data)
- else:
- self.add_text("%s: " % data)
- def do_parameterdefinition(self, node):
- self.generic_parse(node, pad=1)
- def do_detaileddescription(self, node):
- self.generic_parse(node, pad=1)
- def do_briefdescription(self, node):
- self.generic_parse(node, pad=1)
- def do_memberdef(self, node):
- prot = node.attributes['prot'].value
- id = node.attributes['id'].value
- kind = node.attributes['kind'].value
- tmp = node.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode
- compdef = tmp.getElementsByTagName('compounddef')[0]
- cdef_kind = compdef.attributes['kind'].value
- if prot == 'public':
- first = self.get_specific_nodes(node, ('definition', 'name'))
- name = first['name'].firstChild.data
- if name[:8] == 'operator': # Don't handle operators yet.
- return
- if not 'definition' in first or \
- kind in ['variable', 'typedef']:
- return
- if self.include_function_definition:
- defn = first['definition'].firstChild.data
- else:
- defn = ""
- self.add_text('\n')
- self.add_text('%feature("docstring") ')
- anc = node.parentNode.parentNode
- if cdef_kind in ('file', 'namespace'):
- ns_node = anc.getElementsByTagName('innernamespace')
- if not ns_node and cdef_kind == 'namespace':
- ns_node = anc.getElementsByTagName('compoundname')
- if ns_node:
- ns = ns_node[0].firstChild.data
- self.add_text(' %s::%s "\n%s' % (ns, name, defn))
- else:
- self.add_text(' %s "\n%s' % (name, defn))
- elif cdef_kind in ('class', 'struct'):
- # Get the full function name.
- anc_node = anc.getElementsByTagName('compoundname')
- cname = anc_node[0].firstChild.data
- self.add_text(' %s::%s "\n%s' % (cname, name, defn))
- for n in node.childNodes:
- if n not in first.values():
- self.parse(n)
- self.add_text(['";', '\n'])
- def do_definition(self, node):
- data = node.firstChild.data
- self.add_text('%s "\n%s' % (data, data))
- def do_sectiondef(self, node):
- kind = node.attributes['kind'].value
- if kind in ('public-func', 'func', 'user-defined', ''):
- self.generic_parse(node)
- def do_header(self, node):
- """For a user defined section def a header field is present
- which should not be printed as such, so we comment it in the
- output."""
- data = node.firstChild.data
- self.add_text('\n/*\n %s \n*/\n' % data)
- # If our immediate sibling is a 'description' node then we
- # should comment that out also and remove it from the parent
- # node's children.
- parent = node.parentNode
- idx = parent.childNodes.index(node)
- if len(parent.childNodes) >= idx + 2:
- nd = parent.childNodes[idx + 2]
- if nd.nodeName == 'description':
- nd = parent.removeChild(nd)
- self.add_text('\n/*')
- self.generic_parse(nd)
- self.add_text('\n*/\n')
- def do_simplesect(self, node):
- kind = node.attributes['kind'].value
- if kind in ('date', 'rcs', 'version'):
- pass
- elif kind == 'warning':
- self.add_text(['\n', 'WARNING: '])
- self.generic_parse(node)
- elif kind == 'see':
- self.add_text('\n')
- self.add_text('See: ')
- self.generic_parse(node)
- else:
- self.generic_parse(node)
- def do_argsstring(self, node):
- self.generic_parse(node, pad=1)
- def do_member(self, node):
- kind = node.attributes['kind'].value
- refid = node.attributes['refid'].value
- if kind == 'function' and refid[:9] == 'namespace':
- self.generic_parse(node)
- def do_doxygenindex(self, node):
- self.multi = 1
- comps = node.getElementsByTagName('compound')
- for c in comps:
- refid = c.attributes['refid'].value
- fname = refid + '.xml'
- if not os.path.exists(fname):
- fname = os.path.join(self.my_dir, fname)
- if not self.quiet:
- print("parsing file: %s" % fname)
- p = Doxy2SWIG(fname, self.include_function_definition, self.quiet)
- p.generate()
- self.pieces.extend(self.clean_pieces(p.pieces))
- def write(self, fname):
- o = my_open_write(fname)
- if self.multi:
- o.write("".join(x.encode('utf-8') for x in self.pieces))
- else:
- o.write("".join(self.clean_pieces(self.pieces)))
- o.close()
- def clean_pieces(self, pieces):
- """Cleans the list of strings given as `pieces`. It replaces
- multiple newlines by a maximum of 2 and returns a new list.
- It also wraps the paragraphs nicely.
- """
- ret = []
- count = 0
- for i in pieces:
- if i == '\n':
- count = count + 1
- else:
- if i == '";':
- if count:
- ret.append('\n')
- elif count > 2:
- ret.append('\n\n')
- elif count:
- ret.append('\n' * count)
- count = 0
- ret.append(i)
- _data = "".join(ret)
- ret = []
- for i in _data.split('\n\n'):
- if i == 'Parameters:' or i == 'Exceptions:' or i == 'Returns:':
- ret.extend([i, '\n' + '-' * len(i), '\n\n'])
- elif i.find('// File:') > -1: # leave comments alone.
- ret.extend([i, '\n'])
- else:
- _tmp = textwrap.fill(i.strip(), break_long_words=False)
- _tmp = self.lead_spc.sub(r'\1"\2', _tmp)
- ret.extend([_tmp, '\n\n'])
- return ret
- def convert(input, output, include_function_definition=True, quiet=False):
- p = Doxy2SWIG(input, include_function_definition, quiet)
- p.generate()
- p.write(output)
- def main():
- usage = __doc__
- parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage)
- parser.add_option("-n", '--no-function-definition',
- action='store_true',
- default=False,
- dest='func_def',
- help='do not include doxygen function definitions')
- parser.add_option("-q", '--quiet',
- action='store_true',
- default=False,
- dest='quiet',
- help='be quiet and minimize output')
- options, args = parser.parse_args()
- if len(args) != 2:
- parser.error("error: no input and output specified")
- convert(args[0], args[1], not options.func_def, options.quiet)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()