My last commit c1137b6db7 "libffi: fix
libffi.pc file" broke the host build as that still placed the header
files to /usr/lib/libffi-3.0.13/include/ and the libffi.pc file pointed
to /usr/include/ . With this patch I took the patch from Debian and
also made the install process to put the header files to /usr/include
in all situations.
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
- centralized logging via separate function to stdout, syslog and file
- remove dependencies between helper functions
- add two new options "adb_maxtime" and "adb_maxloop"
- add description to every adblock config option (see
- update
Signed-off-by: Dirk Brenken <>
Pingcheck is a daemon for OpenWRT which checks the online status of individual
network interfaces and makes this information available via UBUS and by
triggering "online" and "offline" scripts.
It is maintained at:
Signed-off-by: Bruno Randolf <>
Major Updates
- Added support for Python 3.5.
- Removed the restriction for the target MPC85xx when using uclibc [1].
- No longer required since uclibc was removed from trunk.
- Added option to force static compilation.
- Added option to force linking statically to the C++ standard library and compiler runtime support libraries.
- Added option to disable multithreading support. It can be helpfull for those who wish to fully optimise their code.
- Some boost libraries will require multithreading to be active. For those, this option is active as a requirement.
Minor Updates
- Added -fPIC to CFLags [2].
- python requires independent position code when statically compiling.
[1] -
[2] -
Signed-off-by: Carlos M. Ferreira <>
The include dir pointed to staging_dir/target-mips_34kc+dsp_musl-1.1.11
/usr/lib/libffi-3.0.13/include which does not exists, this made glib2
fail to compile. The header files are copied to /usr/include so define
it in the libffi.pc file.
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
strongswan: gmpdh plugin, package and strongswan-isakmp metapackage
gmpdh plugin implements DH Groups (same as normal GMP plugin), but links to GMP statically and is stripped of all RSA based stuff. Binary size for plugin is ~20kbytes with no dependency on libgmp (200+ kbytes after squash), easilly fitting into flash space restricted devices.
strongswan-isakmp metapackage defines a minimal set of strongswan plugins (including gmpdh) for ISAKMP / IKEv1 PSK tunnels. Will fit even 4mb routers (like tplink wr841n) with disabled IPv6 support and packages (so its a trade - IPv6 or ipsec tunnels).
Signed-of-by: Mikalai Miadzvedz <>