This commit was not made by the package maintainer and needs to be reverted.
This reverts commit 1e2cd3318b.
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Bennett <>
Revert "qrencode: Completely remove libpng dependency from package configure"
This commit was not made by the package maintainer and needs to be reverted.
This reverts commit 5989f6ca0b.
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Bennett <
* add a patch to fix a null pointer dereference in src/racoon/gssapi.c (CVE-2015-4047)
* refresh patches
* bumb release number
Signed-off-by: Nicolas Thill <>
- Use netifd no_proto_task for notifying that xl2tpd does not have a
protocol task running.
- Use procd for xl2tpd service management.
- Refreshed 2xx patches to
- Prevent leftover regular type control result file.
- Allow xl2tpd run as foreground process while logging via syslog.
Signed-off-by: Yousong Zhou <>
- bumped version
- removed dependency on `ip` package as routes are setup by netifd
if iproute2 is actually required, please depend on
`@(PACKAGE_ip||PACKAGE_ip-full)` instead of `ip`
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
ffmpeg: libffmpeg-audio-dec and -custom use integrated opus decoder
For libffmpeg-audio-dec:
Remove @DEVEL flag from libffmpeg-audio-dec. Reasoning for this is
that choosing this package does not rquire any further action by the
builder in what codecs or formats should be built in.
libffmpeg-custom, the other libffmpeg to require @DEVEL, does need
further interaction.
Add @BUILD_PATENTED as at least one of the audio codecs is likely
patent protected.
Add ffmpeg's native Opus decoder to libffmpeg-audio-dec
Remove libopus dependency to libffmpeg-audio-dec as libopus provides
decode and encode support for Opus audio. Since FFmpeg can decode
Opus audio on its own, and libffmpeg-audio-dec is intended for audio
decoding, libopus is no longer required for Opus audio support.
For libffmpeg-custom:
Add in options for ffmpeg's integrated Opus decoder
Signed-off-by: Ian Leonard <>
- Unbroke MIPS support which got entirely lost since the upgrade from 2.4.1:
now all ISAs should work (MIPS1 would need kernel emulation though, untested)
- Fixed host installation which was broken on all targets
- Updated source origin to github and related variables
- Kept mipseb patch exception and MIPS16:=0 exclusion (needed for BB and CC compilation)
Only tested on a ZyXEL NBG6716 router which is MIPS32 (MIPS74Kc), ar71xx target.
Signed-off-by: Guillaume Déflache <>